6 Ways Your Sandwich Is Trying To Kill You

It might look innocent enough, sitting quietly on a lunch platter, but your sandwich is probably a ticking time bomb, according to dietary experts.

Most sandwiches — whether you choose pastrami on rye or a healthy-sounding roast turkey on multigrain bread — are riddled with unhealthy fats, sodium, sugar and carbohydrates, say nutrition experts.

And Americans love their sandwiches: On any given day, about 53% of US residents ate a sandwich, according to a study in the journal Public Health.

This concerns nutritionists because roughly one-third of Americans’ consumption of saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium came from sandwiches.

Men, it seems, are the biggest consumers of sandwiches, as are young and middle-aged adults, people with higher income and — perhaps, not surprisingly — overweight and obese people.

But there’s no need to cut sandwiches out of your diet or settle for a bland, flavorless lunch, said Lisa Young, Ph.D., R.D., a nutrition professor at New York University and author of “The Portion Teller Plan.”

“Don’t sacrifice flavor in your sandwich,” Young told The Post. “Try swapping out processed meats for grilled turkey or chicken, and add some hummus or avocado for a creamy, delicious twist.”

Here are six ways your sandwich is trying to kill you.


Bread, of course, is what makes a sandwich a sandwich. But not all breads are healthy options, and white bread is a source of calories from carbohydrates, which cause your blood sugar levels to spike, then crash, leaving you in a midday slump.

“It is far healthier to include a whole-grain bread such as whole wheat,” says Young. “Whole grains contain fiber, which helps you feel full as well as providing other health benefits like keeping your blood sugar steady.”


Sodium is a prime contributor to high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and it’s present in many sandwiches.

While high amounts of sodium are found in processed meats like ham, salami and bacon, it can also sneak into your sandwich in the form of condiments, sauces, breads and cheese. Try choosing fresh chicken or turkey breast, or fresh sliced steak to lower your sodium intake.

Saturated fat

Saturated fat is found in cheese and meats, which are the main components in many sandwiches. In fact, 79% of sandwiches contain meat, poultry or fish as their primary filling, according to the National Library of Medicine.

By replacing cheese with tomatoes, lettuce, pickles and other fillings, and opting for lean fresh meats instead of processed meats, you can greatly reduce the amount of saturated fat in your sandwich.


Sugar isn’t something most people sprinkle on a sandwich, but refined sugar is present in many of the additives and condiments people put on their sandwiches — it’s probably baked into your bread, too.

Barbecue sauce, honey mustard, teriyaki sauce and sweet relish often contain surprising amounts of sugar, which adds empty calories to your sandwich.

“It is best to include condiments sparingly,” Young said. “Mustard is better than ketchup, which contains added sugar. However, mustard is high in sodium so use a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon.”


Nitrates and nitrites are added to processed meats during the meat curing process. But in your gut, nitrates and nitrites “may create carcinogenic chemicals … which can contribute to cancer risk,” said Young.

Moreover, “processed meats contain too much sodium and preservatives,” she added, advising consumers to avoid them whenever possible.

Portion size

Portion size is an ongoing issue in the American diet, and sandwiches are no exception. The average turkey sandwich from 20 years ago contained about 320 calories, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Today, the average turkey sandwich can tip the scales at a whopping 820 calories, which you could burn off after riding a bike for about 90 minutes.

“When I’m asked, ‘What kind of sandwich isn’t fattening?’ My reply is a half-sandwich,” said Young.


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