DMHC Launches Health Plan Dashboard Making Data & Information More Transparent

The Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) today launched the Health Plan Dashboard, an online tool to make health plan data more transparent and accessible to the public. “The DMHC is excited to launch the Health Plan Dashboard, increasing transparency and access to health plan data,” said DMHC Director Shelley Rouillard. “This online tool will make it easier for the public to find information on health plans in California, and will also help the Department make better use of our data internally.” The Health Plan Dashboard aggregates more than a dozen public data sets reported by health plans and the DMHC. Data on health plans licensed by the DMHC, such as health plan enrollment by market type, financial reports and premium rates, consumer complaints, audit reports and Department enforcement actions, is now searchable in one easy-to-find location on the Health Plan Dashboard. The Health Plan Dashboard also creates easy-to-understand charts and graphs out of the data. The image below shows an enrollment graph for a health plan in the Dashboard.

In addition to the ability to look up data on a specific health plan, the Health Plan Dashboard includes an overall look at the health plan industry regulated by the DMHC. This section of the Health Plan Dashboard aggregates industry level data using the same data sets, such as health plan enrollment, consumer complaints, Department enforcement actions and premium rates. The image below shows a line graph illustrating how health plan finances have changed from 2005 to 2015 in the Health Plan Dashboard.

Another useful feature of the Health Plan Dashboard lets the public compare health plans directly or sort the DMHC aggregate data to see how health plans compare to other plans. To view the Health Plan Dashboard please visit DMHC’s website at

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