Month: March 2016
Kaiser Permanente is moving forward with its ambitious plan to open a medical school that's more in tune with new technologies and local communities.
Spending on prescription drugs for insured Americans rose about 5 percent last year, driven by both greater medication use and higher prices, mainly for very expensive drugs termed specialty medicines.
Rejecting critics and community concern, voting members of Seattle’s Group Health Cooperative have overwhelmingly agreed to join with the California health-care giant Kaiser Permanente.
Cathy Kerns expected to spend her retirement savings as her friends do: on cruises or other “golden years” indulgences.
The state of California is adding cost information to a report card that rates the quality and patient experience scores for major medical groups practicing in the state.
On Monday, Assemblyman Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount, officially became the powerful speaker of the California Assembly. On Thursday, he announced how that power will be distributed.
Health insurance isn’t simple. Neither are government regulations. Put the two together and things can get confusing fast.
High deductibles add to consumers' financial stress and dissuade some patients from getting needed medical care.
The failures of a dozen nonprofit health insurance plans created by the Affordable Care Act could cost the government up to $1.2 billion, according to a harsh new congressional report that concludes federal officials ignored early warnings about the plans’ fragility and moved in too late as problems arose.
Last year's final enrollment numbers under President Barack Obama's health care law fell just short of a target the administration had set, the government reported Friday.