Poll Finds Californians Are Split on Various Health-Related Topics

Californians are split on several health-related issues, including whether the state should expand Medi-Cal coverage to all undocumented immigrants, according to a new poll by the Public Policy Institute of California, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program (Myers, Los Angeles Times, 12/2).

For the poll, PPIC surveyed 1,703 California adults between Nov. 8 and Nov. 17 (PPIC poll, December 2015).


According to the poll, 54% of adults in the state support extending Medi-Cal coverage to undocumented immigrants. However, just 44% of likely voters support doing so.

Support also varied by income status. For example:

  • 63% of respondents with annual incomes of $40,000 or less said they support expanding the program; and
  • 54% of respondents with annual incomes of $80,000 or more said they support doing so (Los Angeles Times, 12/2).

The poll also found that:

  • Just 2% of respondents said they think health care/health insurance is the most important issue Californians face;
  • 48% of respondents said they would prefer paying higher taxes for additional public services, compared with 45% who said they would prefer lower taxes and fewer services; and
  • 51% of respondents said they generally support the Affordable Care Act, compared with 42% who said they have a generally unfavorable view of the law.

Meanwhile, the report found that 53% of respondents said they think Democrats do a better job of handling health care, while 31% said Republicans do a better job. Just 3% of respondents said both parties do an equally strong job in regards to health care (PPIC poll, December 2015).

PPIC also asked respondents about the importance of four ballot measures that voters could decide in 2016, including one to extend income and sales tax increases under Proposition 30 (Cadelago, “Capitol Alert,” Sacramento Bee, 12/2). Prop. 30 generates revenue for education and health programs.

The poll found that:

  • 36% of respondents said they think Prop. 30 is very important;
  • 38% said it is somewhat important;
  • 12% said it is not too important;
  • 11% said it is not at all important; and
  • 3% said they are unsure.

Overall, 54% of respondents said they support extending the tax increases, and 38% oppose doing so (PPIC poll, December 2015).
