State Launches Health Insurance Awareness Campaign

The Nevada Division of Insurance has announced the launch of its Fall Health Insurance Awareness campaign, saying the month of October is a good time to begin thinking about a 2016 health insurance policy.

Open Enrollment is just around the corner, starting Nov. 1 and running through Jan. 31, 2016. That is why the Division of Insurance is officially kicking off a pre-enrollment campaign to turn consumers into insurance experts before Open Enrollment begins.

“We encourage Nevadans to be proactive in October, start considering what type of health insurance meets the needs of their families and begin researching the different insurance products available in Nevada,” said Insurance Commissioner Amy Parks.

Starting in October, the Division of Insurance hopes to raise health insurance awareness. The simple part of the process is clicking the mouse to purchase a health insurance policy through Nevada Health Link (, an insurance agent, or directly with a health insurance carrier.

Understanding the particulars of health insurance products, however, can be the complex part of the process. Throughout the three-month period of open enrollment, the Division of Insurance will be posting important information on its website for consumers. The focus of each week will target specific areas of information.

Week 1: October 12-16 – Know the terms and where to find the cost of a 2016 health insurance policy

Week 2: October 19-23 – Young Invincibles: what Millennials need to know

Week 3: October 26-30 – Get more bang for your buck

Week 4: November 2-6 – Open Enrollment begins: who, what, where, why and how

“Consumers can take advantage of the variety of free resources available to them through the Division of Insurance website,” said Acting Commissioner Parks.

These resources include a variety of tools online or by downloading the Division’s smartphone app “NDOI Connect” for Apple and Android users, such as a rate comparison tool that allows consumers to view health insurance rates and documentation for individual and small group insurance products offered on and off the Exchange.

The website also features educational videos that will aid consumers in understanding the insurance rate review process in Nevada as well as understanding the cost of health insurance.

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