Covered California Predicts Obamacare Exchange Will Enroll 1.7 Million in Second Year

Covered California, the Obamacare exchange that led the nation during its first year with about 1.2 million enrollees, predicts the tally will jump to 1.7 million in year two – a 500,000 increase, more than many states netted in total last time around.

Exchange officials, presumably using rounded figures, say the projected increase is a 43 percent jump from the first year of open enrollment in the ACA exchange, which ended in April.

The second round begins November 15 and is shorter than last enrollment period, ending Feb. 15.

To help publicize the beginning of open enrollment this fall, Executive Director Peter Lee is starting a nine-day, 21-city bus tour Monday, beginning at the State Capitol. The tour is part of a $95 million community outreach campaign “supported by” federal funding.

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